1. S. Kotowicz, M. Korzec, A.K. Pająk, S. Golba, J. G. Małecki, M. Siwy, J. Grzelak, S. Maćkowski, E. Schab-Balcerzak, New acceptor-donor-acceptor systems based in bis-(imino-1,8-naphthalimide), Materials, 2021, 14, 2714, IF = 3.057, PMNiSW =140, DOI:10.3390/ma14112714
2. M. Korzec, S. Kotowicz, A.K. Pająk, E. Schab-Balcerzak, Symmetrical and asymmetrical imino-naphthalimides in perovskite solar cells, Opto-Electronics Review, 2021, 29, 175-180, IF = 2.489, PMNiSW =100, DOI:10.24425/opelre.2021.139755
3. M. Kapkowski, PET - problem na skalę globalną, "No Limits", Nr 2 (4)/2021, Link.           
4. M. Kapkowski, PET – A Problem on a Global Scale, "No Limits", No 2 (4)/2021, Link.
5. M. Kapkowski, T. Siudyga, D. Lach, K. Kocot, I Matuła, G. Dercz, M. Zubko, K. Balin, S. Goba, A. Anagnostopoulos, J. Polański, Enhanced DeNOx catalysis: Induction-heating-catalysis-ready 3D stable Ni supported metal combinations, Chem. Eng. Res. Des.  2024, 207, 404-419 IF=3.9 PMEiN = 140.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2024.06.019


1. S. Kotowicz, M. Korzec, poster presentation: " Elastic substrates based on polymers for organic electronics applications", THE SILESIAN MEETINGS ON POLYMER MATERIALS POLYMAT 2022 in memory of Prof. Andrzej Dworak, Zabrze 17.03.2022.                 
2. M. Ludynia, E. Szwajczak, A. Siemieniuk, poster presentation:  “Experimental plant biology at various scales: from molecules to the environment.” 1,3-dioxolanes as additives to foliar fertilizers in the ultivation of thuja”, 10th PSEPB Conference, in Katowice, Poland on September 20–23, 2021.              
3. E. Szwajczak, M. Ludynia, poster presentation: “Experimental plant biology at various scales: from molecules to the environment.” 1,3-Dioxolanes as potential compounds to enhance the efficacy of applied herbicides considering the example of commonly used glyphosate”, 10th PSEPB Conference, in Katowice, Poland on September 20–23, 2021.           
4. M. Korzec, S. Kotowicz, poster presentation: "Aminolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) as a method of waste management", THE SILESIAN MEETINGS ON POLYMER MATERIALS POLYMAT 2022 in memory of Prof. Andrzej Dworak, Zabrze 17.03.2022.   
5. W. Kujawski, M. Kapkowski, L. Guoqiang, K. Knozowska, Euromembrane 2022, oral presentation: Application of pervaporation for the removal of water from the postreaction mixture, Sorrento 20-24.11.2022                
6. M. Kapkowski, T. Siudyga, J. Polański, InterNanoPoland, oral presentation: Application of nanomaterials in organic synthesis, Katowice 18-19.10.2022.         
7. M. Kapkowski, NanoForum 2022, oral presentation: Catalytic nanomaterials - possibilities of use in organic synthesis and environmental protection, Chorzów 25.05.2022 .      
8. M. Kapkowski, A. Chojnowska, 10th Congress of Chemical Technology, oral presentation: Comparative analysis of selected d-block metal nanoparticles in cyclic ketal synthesis reactions, Wrocław 11-14.05.2022


 M. Kapkowski, M. Ludynia, Composition improving herbicide penetration through the surfaces of above-ground parts of plant organs, Polish patent application P.443340; 2022

M. Kapkowski, K. Wieczorek, G. Zelenkova, T. Zelenka, V. Slovak, Methods of synthesis of 1,3-dioxolane derivatives based on carbon materials, Polish patent application P.443230; 2022

M. Kapkowski, K. Kocot, T. Siudyga, D. Lach, A. Chojnowska, Synthesis of cyclic ketals, Polish patent application P.441491; 2022