"Methodology of continued synthesis of 1,3-dioxolanes
along with the extension of the scope of applicability
target products in the chemical industry "

 BioEkoDiox is the acronym from the project carried out as part of the LIDER XI contest financed by the National Centre for Research and Development. The project is scheduled for 3 years: 2021-2024.

The project concerns the catalytic synthesis of low molecular weight 1,3-dioxolanes based on solutions in the field of nanotechnology and heterogeneous catalysis. The innovations developed in the project will constitute a comprehensive, zero-waste technology for processing polyols (glycerin, ethylene or propylene glycol) and waste PET into products with the higher added value. Applications of 1,3-dioxolane derivatives will be comprehensively tested in terms of their usefulness for the direct applications in the area of agro- and petrochemistry. In addition, the project will result in new active layers with potential applications in photovoltaic panels and development of recovery procedures for regents used in the synthesis of 1,3-dioxolanes.